Self-Study Timeline

Self-Study Timeline and Checklist

Department/Program ____________________________________________

Proposed semester of visit from outside reviewers _____________________________

____    Initial meeting between the department chair/program coordinator and the Associate Dean to begin self-study process (approximately one year before reviewers visit campus)

____    The department chair/program coordinator sends a list of 6-8 potential reviewers to the Associate Dean (discussed and approved by department members) – ranked in order of preference and group according to their specific niches. 

____    Preferred Dates for reviewers to visit:

_____________; ______________; ______________; ______________

____    The Associate Dean confirms reviewers and date of visit with the department/program Chair.  At least one reviewer must be from a liberal arts college; at least one reviewer must be from a research university; at least one reviewer must have had experience chairing a department.

____    The Dean's Office obtains CVs for each reviewer and arranges transportation and lodging for the external reviewers' visit.

____    The department/program meets to frame the main issues for the self-study and to begin gathering the materials necessary for the self-study document.   The department chair/program coordinator is responsible for the overall organization, but is not the sole author of the self-study.

____    The department/program sends the complete electronic version of the self-study document to the reviewers no later than two weeks before their visit.  It also delivers one hard copy of the self-study to the Associate Dean (to be shared with the Dean) and one to the President, along with electronic copies.  Reviewers who request hard copies of the self-study document should receive one no later than two weeks before the scheduled external review visit.

­­­____    The department/program is responsible for putting together the two-day schedule of the reviewers' visit, in consultation with the Associate Dean. 

____    The external reviewers submit their report to the Dean approximately one month following the visit, after which the Dean's Office issues the stipends.

____    The Dean's Office forwards the external reviewers' report to the President and to the department/program and other administrators for review.

____    The department/program arranges a meeting with the Dean and the Associate Dean to discuss the report's recommendations (one month after receiving the report).

____    The Educational Quality Committee of the Board hears a summary of the self-study and external review within a year of the visit.

____    The department/program submits a follow-up report to the Dean, with a copy to the Associate Dean, one year following the reviewers' visit.  The chair/coordinator meets with the Dean to make a progress report.  After the report has been reviewed by the President and other administrators, the Dean then makes recommendations for further action as appropriate.