Electronics and Machine Shops

With our move into the new Estella Laboratory, we now have advanced shop facilities as well. These include both professional shops used my our machinist and electronics technician, as well as shops which are accessible to students and faculty.

The professional machine shop houses a CNC mill, a CNC lathe, a standard mill and lathe, a 120W CO2 laser cutter, a 3D polymer jet printer, welders, band saws, grinders, drill presses, belt sanders, a bead blaster, punches, presses, and many other tools.

Also, he professional electronics shop houses an automated circuit board milling system, electronic test equipment (scopes, network analyzers, function generators, amplifiers, power supplies, etc.), soldering stations, a drill press, and many other tools. In addition there is an adjoining well equipped student accessible electronics classroom.

The student accessible metal shop features 2 mills, 2 lathes, a drill press, a power washer, a wet saw, sheet metal tools (shears, rollers, and benders), presses, a belt sander, grinders, and many other tools, while the student accessible wood shop features a CNC 3 axis router, a safety table saw, and saws, a scroll saw, a planer, a wood lathe, and many other tools.

In addition to these workshops, the student project space includes a variety of 3D printers, employing both fused deposition and stereolithographic technologies.

The lab wing shared facilities include a wide range of furnaces, plasma cleaners, a critical point dryer, sputter coaters, a liquid helium cryogenic apparatus, a dark room, a fume hood, balances, a water purification system, and many other useful tools.

Senior Machinist Hardy Richardson serves the machining needs of classes and research efforts, and assists students with learning to use our set of precision machining equipment for classes and independent projects.

Senior Electronics Technician Mark Wilson applies his expertise to circuit design, board fabrication, equipment troubleshooting, and other related tasks in the service of research and teaching electronics for physics students.