In class with Professor Eric Hurley

In class with Professor Eric Hurley

In class with Professor Sharon Goto
Our Psychological Science major and minor provides students with a strong background in human behavior, psychological theories and empirical findings with a heavy emphasis on empirical research and laboratory experience.
You’ll understand theories and empirical findings and become a critical consumer and producer of knowledge of human behavior, understanding how psychological science can be applied to real-world problems.
You’ll begin with a broad introductory course, learn about research design and statistical methods, take lab courses, as well as a required course in cultural/ethnic perspectives in psychological science.
Our department is pioneering: We are the first in the nation to require a cultural/ethnic course and are the only school that requires an empirical thesis of all graduates.
We believe that firsthand experience in planning, performing and interpreting research is the best teacher of critical thinking in the field of psychology. You’ll have associated labs in many courses. Full-time faculty members have their own working research lab. You can apply for summer research grants, and you’ll undertake your own project as a senior thesis.
The department offers excellent facilities for research, including a dedicated computer lab and a wide range of specialized research equipment for exploring the cognitive, developmental, social, clinical and neural perspectives on behavior.
Graduate schools in both clinical and experimental areas of psychology, not to mention many other fields of study, look for a strong laboratory background in their applicants.
Majors in Psychological Science are also encouraged to practice the application of the field to the solution of human problems by participating in psychological fieldwork-- particularly if interested in pursuing a career in clinical or community psychology. Several courses have fieldwork components or involve critical analysis of contemporary social issues.