Housing Agreement 2024-2025

Terms and Conditions

  • General Provision: This Housing Agreement is a legal and binding contract. Please read and fully understand the Agreement. By signing/electronically confirming this Agreement, all students residing in College housing (“Residents”), accept the College’s housing assignment, agrees to the terms of this Agreement, and agrees to pay the required Room Charges and Fees established by the College.
  • Student Handbook and Code of Conduct: All students and Residents are expected to familiarize themselves with and abide by the Housing & Residence Life policies (Life in the Residence Halls), as well as College Policies (available online in the Student Handbook), and to also comply with applicable city, state, and federal law. Rules and regulations are subject to periodic change, including during the term of this Agreement. Per the Student Code, Residents will be held responsible for any policy violations by their visitors/guests (guests are defined as anyone not assigned to the room). Residents agree to be considerate of other residents and all staff assigned to the Residences. Students found to be present while a violation is occurring may be considered participants and may be subject to student conduct action. Prohibited items described in Student Handbook and/or Housing Agreement policies will be confiscated and may be discarded.
  • Academic Year: The following terms and conditions for student residence in Pomona College housing apply to all full-time Pomona College and visiting students in good standing, residing in Pomona College housing during 2024-2025 academic year. Academic Year is defined as the period between which a student signs their residence hall agreement for the noted academic year, and when the residence halls close in May 2025.
  • Pomona College: All references herein are to Pomona College offices or personnel. "College" refers to Pomona College, unless noted. "HRL" refers to Housing & Residence Life.
  • Student Independence: Resident represents that they possess behavioral, emotional, and social maturity and discipline sufficient to enable them to live independently throughout the duration of the Housing Agreement, to conduct themselves in a manner that does not endanger the health and safety of other residents and community members, and to comply with all Health and Safety Protocols. No student with a disability will be excluded from University Housing solely because of their disability. Students with disabilities who need a reasonable accommodation to meet the criteria set forth in this paragraph should direct their request to the Office of Accessibility Resources and Services. Students with an approved accommodation of an Emotional Support Animal should discuss the need for a viable care plan for the animal which takes into account the possibility that the student will be required to isolate or quarantine.
  • License of Occupancy: This Housing Agreement is not a lease and is not subject to California landlord-tenant laws. It is a license to occupy institutional housing as part of the academic community that the College has created as an integral aspect of the academic experience.
  • Validity: Should any term, clause or provision of this Housing Agreement be determined by any final decision of any court to be wholly or partially illegal or invalid, the validity of the remaining terms, clauses, and provisions shall not be affected thereby, and said illegal or invalid term, clause or provision shall be deemed not to be a part of this Housing Agreement
  • Breach of Policy: By signing/electronically confirming this Agreement, Resident acknowledges that any breach of College residential policy, including without limitation the provisions of this Agreement, any violation of the rights of other occupants of College housing, any misrepresentation of facts on the Resident's housing application or on this Agreement may be grounds for immediate termination of the Resident's occupancy of their housing assignment and/or the revocation of future College housing privileges. The determination of how to address any violations of this Contract and all decisions regarding exceptions to any policies to this Agreement shall be the Dean of Campus Life, and/or their designee.


  • Registration and Enrollment: Eligibility for residence is limited to Pomona students and approved exchange students who have both completed the registration and enrollment confirmation processes and have made all required payments by the College deadlines.
  • College-sponsored Housing: All students are expected to live in College-sponsored housing. A limited number of students are given permission to live off-campus.
  • Housing Selection and Assignments: Continuing students must meet all eligibility requirements and deadlines, including timely submitting a housing application to participate in the Housing Selection process for room assignment. Incoming first-year students must meet all deadlines, including submitting a housing application, for housing placement.
  • Loss of Eligibility: If for any reason a student ceases to be eligible for residence, they must vacate their room within 48 hours. If a student fails to confirm enrollment with the College or fails to check-in to the residence hall assignment by 5pm on the first day of classes each semester, they forfeit their assigned space. Note, the 48 hours period may be extended in writing at the discretion of the Dean of Students or their designee.

Room Financial Charges and Fees

  • Universal Room Rate: Pomona students assigned to campus housing are responsible for paying the established academic year rate for their housing published by the College at Tuition and Costs for 2024-2025.
  • Financial Deadlines: The College establishes room charges for the academic year. Tuition, Housing, Food costs, and all other fees are payable semiannually in advance, one-half by August 1 and one-half by January 2; Bills are posted on CASHNet through the student portal on July 11 and December 11. Failure to make full payment for those on the full payment plan or the first installment for those on the monthly payment plan for the Fall and/or Spring semester by those dates will result in forfeiture of existing assigned space.
  • Financial Housing Hold: In all events, no student will be allowed to occupy an assigned room until all College fees are paid in the time and manner established by the College. Failure to pay outstanding balances as required may be the cause for dismissal from College housing or for such other action as may be determined appropriate by the College. This policy applies to all charges assessed by the College.
  • Doctrine of Necessaries: Students understand and agree that if they are younger than the applicable age of majority when they execute this agreement that the educational services provided by Pomona College are a necessity, and they are contractually obligated pursuant to the “doctrine of necessaries.”
  • Fees and Termination: Students are financially responsible for room costs and fees unless and until the housing assignment is canceled and/or vacated as specified below.

Housing Period

  • Period Start: The housing period begins at the time the student takes occupancy of the assigned space, which must be no later than 5pm on the first day of classes for each semester.
  • Period End: The housing period ends 24 hours after the last final of finals week or upon semester closing of the residence halls, whichever is sooner.
  • Fall Semester: 12:00pm noon on Saturday, December 14, 2024.
  • Spring Semester: 12:00pm noon on Saturday, May 17, 2025, for continuing students and Monday, May 19, 2025, for graduating students.
  • Extended Stay Occupancy: Extended dates (such as early arrival and late departure) may be conferred to eligible students by HRL and a sponsoring Pomona Department. Extended dates are not approved until confirmed in writing.
  • Late Arrival Occupancy: If a student plans to arrive for occupation of their designated College Housing after the opening of the residence halls, Student must notify the Office of Housing and Residence Life or the Office of the Dean of Students in writing prior to the assigned arrival date. The Office of Housing and Residence Life will seek to contact students that have not formally checked in throughout opening to verify location and arrival plans. A student’s College Housing assignment will not be held later than the first day of classes, unless the student has notified the office of the late arrival and this notice has been acknowledged by a staff member. Late arrival to housing will not result in any proration of fees (housing and/or meal plan). Failure to do so may result in a loss of the room and forfeiture of applicable deposits.
  • Improper Check-out: Failure to vacate by the day/time published will minimally result in a fine for improper check-out and/or removal of personal belongings.
  • Fall, Thanksgiving, and Spring Breaks: The residence halls remain open during Fall break, the Thanksgiving break, and Spring break.
  • Winter Break Closure: To be permitted to leave belongings in their room over the Winter Break, students must be in residence for both the Fall & Spring semesters and must be in good standing with the College.

Break Housing

  • Approval required: Students may apply for Summer and Winter Break Housing. Applications will be reviewed in accordance with posted eligibility and available residential space. Approved students agree to the posted required fees and will participate in interim housing assignments as needed. Break Housing is not guaranteed, and approval should not be assumed.
  • Break Housing Assignments: Room assignments may be based separately from Fall and Spring Housing Assignments due to the needs of the college.
  • Break Housing Meals: Summer and Winter Housing meal access and Dining Hall may function separately from Fall and Spring Meal Plans.
  • Winter Break Housing
  • Winter Break Dates: The residence halls are officially closed from 12 noon on Saturday after finals end and re-open the Saturday before classes in the Spring semester.
  • Campus Closure: The entire campus will experience a period of closure during the break, resulting in a reduction of college services. Campus Safety is available throughout the break.
  • Summer Break Housing
  • Summer Conduct: Residents living on campus during Summer Break agree to follow the Student Code of Conduct as contained in the Pomona College Handbook, all applicable Housing and residence Life policies, and all other applicable College policies and procedures. Such Residents understand that Pomona College upholds more stringent expectations of summer residents and violation of any applicable College codes or regulations may result in the loss of summer housing privileges.
  • Summer Supervision: In the event that students are found responsible for a policy violation, summer Supervisors will be notified. Violation of any of the Code of Conduct policies may result in immediate loss of summer housing privileges.

Occupancy and Use

  • Student’s License of Occupancy: At all times, only the student shall occupy the assigned space. Under no circumstances may a student swap assignment without prior approval; nor may students exchange keys with another student or person, sublet their room, or provide regular housing to any other person(s).
  • Vacancies: The College reserves the right to assign any vacant space at any time and is not obligated to inform roommates or suitemates of changes. Any student with a vacancy in their room must keep the space open and ready for assignment at any time. The College has the right to move any such possessions that may be blocking a new student's assigned space.
  • Keys and Identification Cards: Students are issued an Identification card upon campus arrival and a room door key upon check-in. Keys and IDs are not to be shared with others. Keys must be returned to the College upon check-out or a re-key fee will be incurred. Students are expected to communicate lost Keys and IDs to the College promptly for remediation and access control.
  • Unauthorized Occupancy: If any student refuses to vacate a room or residence when no longer authorized to remain in College housing, the student will be liable for any costs incurred by College in removing such student, including attorneys’ fees, court costs, or storage fees. Students may not remain as a guest in someone else’s room after checking out. Occupying a room or residence without authorization may result in withdrawal of current and/or future housing privileges and/or discipline pursuant to the Student Code.

Meal Plans

  • Ultimate Meal Plan: All Pomona students are required to participate in a Pomona Meal Plan. Students residing in Pomona housing will be automatically enrolled in the Ultimate Meal Plan with $200 Flex (also called board plus) dollars. There are no exemptions to participation in a required meal plan.
  • Meal Service Period: Meal Plans cover access to meal service from move-in to move-out each Fall and Spring semester. Access to meal service is offered during Fall, Thanksgiving, and Spring academic breaks. Service hours and locations may shift. Semester Meal Plans do not cover Winter and Summer periods. Additional questions can be sent to dining@pomona.edu.
  • Any meals remaining on any meal plan at the end of the fall semester are forfeited. Any Flex dollars remaining at the end of the fall semester are also forfeited. Students residing in Pomona housing will not be able to change their meal plan or opt to be off a meal plan. If you have dietary concerns, you may email nutritionist@pomona.edu. 

Assignments & Room Change Requests

  • Assignments: Although an assignment to a specific room assignment may have been or may hereafter be made, this Agreement is not for a specific room, building, or type of housing, but shall apply to any room assignment Student may occupy pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.
  • Furnishings: Any of the occupants, furnishings, features, and configuration of the room/suite and/or a student’s room assignment shall be made and may be changed by the College at any time, at its sole discretion. Furnishings are not to be removed by Student from the space or adapted without prior approval from the College.
  • Administrative Moves and Consolidation: The College reserves the right to reassign or consolidate rooms in the interest of order, safety, health, discipline, disaster, best use of facilities, and/or for the good of the College, or for unresolvable incompatibility of roommates.
  • There will be a 3-week room freeze beginning on the first day of classes for Fall semester and 2-week room freeze beginning on the first day of classes for Spring semester.

Housing Accommodations due to a Disability

  • Housing Accommodation Registration: Students with documented disabilities who may need some form of disability-related housing consideration must register with the Accessibility Resources and Services office (disability@pomona.edu) and submit a request for a disability housing accommodation following the published deadlines.
  • Building Features: Residence Halls across the College possess a variety of features and are not uniform (floors, central air conditioning, etc.). Housing Accommodations may result in room placements or waitlisting in accordance with application deadlines, programmatic considerations, and qualifying building/room feature availability.

Access to Student Room and Suite Spaces

  • Room Entry: The College reserves the right to enter, repair, inventory, inspect, construct, or search (without prior consent) for any residential room at any time. This includes, but is not limited to, HRL staff, Campus Safety, and Facilities. The College prefers to provide Student with notice when possible.
  • Law Enforcement Officers: The College cannot prevent or prohibit the search of students’ rooms or College premises by law enforcement officers acting in the performance of their duty. It is expected, however, that the ordinary requirements for lawful search will be followed.

Damages and Expenses

  • Room Condition Report: Upon check-in of a room, the Student should make an initial inspection of the premises and furnishings using their electronic Room Condition Report (RCR). Residents are responsible for reviewing and re-submitting this report by Friday of that week. The report will be retained for the duration of occupancy. The report shall be the basis for determining damage, cleaning, and billing if there are discrepancies during the checkout process. Should a Resident move spaces within the academic year, they will be responsible for completing an electronic Room Condition Report for their new occupancy.
  • Damage Financial Charges: The Residents shall reimburse the College upon request for all damages or expenses which the College may suffer or incur for repair or excessive cleaning of any residence hall, or for repair or replacement of College provided furniture and/or equipment (including smoke detectors), caused by the misconduct or neglect of the resident or of their visitors/guests.
  • Community Charges: HRL will utilize community/collective billing when damage is not able to be pinpointed to one individual.
  • Facilities Orders: Resident is required to report any room concerns to Facilities or HRL for immediate repair.
  • Student Accounts and Holds: Charges are assessed by HRL staff and will be billed to the student's account approximately two weeks after the closing date. Failure to pay charges may result in a Financial Hold placed on the Resident’s account. Any appeal of said charges must be submitted in writing by the student within 2 weeks of the charge being posted to the student's account.
  • Personal Property Loss: The College does not assume responsibility for loss or damage to personal property belonging to students. Residents are encouraged to have renter’s insurance (some homeowner insurances may apply).

Reserved Rights of the College

  • Construction, Renovation, and Repair: Construction of academic or residential buildings on the Pomona College campus may be scheduled for the term of this contract in the vicinity of the residence halls. Capital improvement and other major housing construction or repair projects will necessarily cause increased noise and dust in affected and nearby residences at certain times. There is the possibility of both planned and unplanned utility shutdowns and access to certain facilities, streets, parking lots, walking, and bike pathways may be limited, rerouted, or completely restricted. The College will work with building contractors to make every effort to minimize constructions inconveniences.
  • Right to Modify: The College reserves the right at any time to terminate, establish, or amend any terms, conditions, policies, and procedures concerning the matters covered herein without prior notice.
  • Force Majeure: The College assumes no responsibility for failure to perform any terms or conditions of this Housing Agreement due to any force majeure. For purposes of this Housing Agreement, the term “force majeure” shall mean fire, earthquake, flood, act of God, strikes, work stoppages or other labor disturbances, riots or civil commotions, crimes, litigation, war or other act of any foreign nation, plague, epidemic, pandemic, power of government or governmental agency or authority, or any other cause like or unlike any cause mentioned above, which is beyond the control or authority of the College, and either makes performance of the Housing Agreement illegal, impractical, and/or in the reasonable judgement of the College, threatens the safety and wellness of its students, employees and/or community members. When Force Majeure occurs, HRL may find it necessary to relocate Resident temporarily or permanently. No recompense or compensation is provided for loss of Resident's time in dealing with a displacement (either temporary or permanent) nor retribution for discomfort. Should the College need to close due to an emergency (related to emergency, act of God, force majeure, or other exigency), students will not be reimbursed, nor pro-rated, for time not spent in their residence hall space.