Mathematics Senior Theses
Senior | Advisor | Topic |
Jordy Gertner | Gizem Karaali | Semiotics of graph theory: a look at diagrams |
Tim Wesley | Shahriar Shahriari | Boolean lattices and the Füredi conjecture |
Elena Kim | Stephan Garcia & Konrad Aguilar | Equivalence constants for generalized Frobenius norms |
Ethan Ong | Vin de Silva | Clustering and spanning trees |
Gabriel Udell | Stephan Garcia | Distribution of factorization lengths in numerical semigroups IV |
Giovanni Ferro | Maryann Hohn | Two equations, one entropy |
Marcel Alfonso Garcia | Gabe Chandler | Network graphs |
Emma Godfrey | Jo Hardin | Non-parametric alternatives to propensity score estimation |
Isabel (Izzy) Wiesenthal | Ami Radunskaya | Eliminating acoustic feedback in hear aids |
Alexa Bayangos | Vin de Silva | Spectral graph theory: applications to music theory |
Renae Tamura | Ayo Adeniran | Parking functions, trees, and search algorithms |
Gigi Voss | Ami Radunskaya | Modeling subsidence due to groundwater extraction: percolation theory applications |
Ivy Yuan | Maryann Hohn | Clustering algorithms: k-means and particle swarm optimization |
Nate Pappalardo | Ghassan Sarkis | Characterizing brown carbon with machine learning |
Brandon Tran | Gabe Chandler | Automatic smoothing for estimation of response surfaces in high dimensions |
Rafael Martínez-Avial | Adolfo Rumbos | The geometry of spacetime |
Sireesh Vinnakota | Edray Goins | Triangulations of non-orientable surfaces |
Ethan Ashby | Jo Hardin | Extracting hitherto unseen variant signals from the cancer genome using data de-sparsification strategies |
Simone Yang | Ghassan Sarkis | Modeling 3D curved surfaces in architectural modeling software |
Boyuan (Jack) Chen | Ami Radunskaya | A survey on rendering functions for view synthesis |
Mikaela Nishida | Edray Goins | Algebraic statistics |
Senior | Advisor | Topic |
Bharath Kodungudi | Edray Goins | Group Theory of Rubik’s Polyhedra |
Adam Rees | Gabriel Chandler | Gaussian Process Regression in the NBA |
Michelle Li | Ghassan Sarkis |
So You Think You GAN Dance: Synthetic dance video generation using deep learning |
Connor Ford | Vin de Silva | Synchronized Swimming: Circular Motion with the Vicsek Model |
Zakiya Jones | Shahriar Shahriari | Parking Functions |
Nolan McCafferty | Jo Hardin | Style Transfer with Neural Networks |
Amy Watt | Jo Hardin | The Expectation-Maximization Algorithm for RNA-Sequencing Alignment |
Seena Huang | Gabriel Chandler | Audio Language Classification |
Lindsey Tam | Blerta Shtylla | Biological Applications of the Kalman Filter |
Danny Rosen | Vin de Silva | An Investigation of Human Knots and Links |
Jordan Huard | Gizem Karaali | Algorithmically Generating Harmonic Progressions for a "New" Bebop Standard |
Ben Moats | Edray Goins | Visualizations of Hyperbolic Geometry |
Rachel Yang | Shahriar Shahriari | Combinatorial Search and Vapnik–Chervonenkis Dimension |
Helen Lan | Jo Hardin | Multiple Comparison Test: Controlling False Positives |
Gillian Meyer | Adolfo Rumbos | Game Theoretical Models for Gun Control Policy |
Desiree Koontz | Ami Radunskaya | Statistical Models with Differential Equations |
Isys Johnson | Edray Goins | Action Recognition of Highly Dynamic Videos using Time Series Classification |
Huey Sun | Ghassan Sarkis | The Limits of Transfer Learning |
Corina Oroz | Blerta Shtylla & CGU Clinic | Using Support Vector Machines to Predict Atomic Scale Fracture in Silica-Based Glasses |
Jack Hanley | Gabriel Chandler | Applying Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis to Baseball Swing Data |
Preet Khowaja | Shahriar Shahriari | The Art Gallery Problem and Variations |
Helen Guo | Maryann Hohn | Diffusion on Dynamic Networks |
Anil Cengiz | Adolfo Rumbos | Pattern Formation in Reaction-Diffusion Systems |
Ahlbie Squire | Stephan Garcia | The Collatz Conjecture and Other Mysteries |
Colin McCalla | Edray Goins | Mastering 2D Video Games with Neural Networks |
Will Abele | Gizem Karaali | Determining Causality: An Instrumental Approach |
Cecelia Sanborn | Gabriel Chandler | Finding Holes in High Dimensional Data |
Gabriel da Motta | Joseph Osborn | Optimizing Graphs: Techniques for Improving Algorithmic Performance |
Elise Koskelo | Ami Radunskaya | Stochastic Resonance of Quantized Systems |
Thomas Anastos | Weiqing Gu | Comovement: Capturing Systematic Alpha |
Ezequiel Estrada | Ami Radunskaya | Math and Identity: Narratives |
Dominic Mensah | Adolfo Rumbos |
Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Games: Application of Cooperative Game Theory |
Riley Fang | Vin de Silva |
Improving the Sudoku Solver: Assisted Backtracking and the Unsolved Question |
Nate Stringham | Mike Izbicki | Learning Word Embeddings for a Latin Corpus |
Liam O'Shea | Stephan Garcia | The Eigenvalues of Cayley Digraphs Associated to Heisenberg Groups |
Sofia Buzeti | Ami Radunskaya | Predicting Dynamic Network Core Stabilizations |
Cristal Quiñones | Shahriar Shahriari | When Ring Theory Meets Graph Theory: Zero Divisors and Their Graphs |
Fernando Barceló | Jorge Moreno | The Mass Distribution of the First Stars |
Gustavo Galo | Blerta Shtylla | Using mathematical modeling to find optimal drug combinations |
Ira Norton-Westbrook | Stephan Garcia | Sets to Numbers: A Journey in Axiomatic Set Theory |
Zach Senator | Jo Hardin | Random Forests and Beyond |
Sophie Richards | Ami Radunskaya | Modeling Overdose Prevention Sites in Philadelphia |
Bella Senturia | Gizem Karaali | Towards a New Characterization of the Weak Order |
Dillon Jacob | Adolfo Rumbos | Modeling Event Data in Association Soccer |
Jasmine David | Adolfo Rumbos | Age-Structured Epidemic Models of Infectious Disease |
Sarah Bashir | Vin de Silva | Classifying handwritten Arabic using machine learning |
Tenny Liu | Ghassan Sarkis | Topic-based Twitter user categorization with Latent Dirichlet Allocation |
Angela Tran | Adolfo Rumbos | Inefficiency of the Financial Markets during COVID-19: Estimating Hurst Exponents using Fractional Brownian Motion, Ito Calculus, and Spectral Analysis |
Seniors | Advisor | Topic |
Shivang Mehta | Ami Radunskaya | (Machine) Learning to Target |
Vedant Vohra | Jo Hardin | Analyzing experiments: Can we determine if a new treatment benefits the many or the few? |
Harry Bendekgey | Joseph Osborn | Learning Player Strategies in the Board Game Dominion |
Aurora Zhang | Ghassan Sarkis | Modeling Pedestrian Flow through LAX with Simulated Queues |
Eric Gofen | Gizem Karaali | (Re)humanizing Math Education |
Peter Cowal | Vin de Silva/Joti Rockwell | Composing Mathematically |
Dana Wang | Blerta Shtylla | Convolutional Neural Networks and Their Application in Biological Image Segmentation |
Jacob Fontana | Gabe Chandler | Coupled Continuous Time Random Walks |
Siddhartha Aggarwal | Ghassan Sarkis | Modelling foot traffic flow at LAX using Neural Networks |
Matthew Patterson | Stephan Garcia | Constructing Conjugations by Unitary Extension |
Frances Hung | Jo Hardin | Optimizing Experimental Design |
Alex Xiaotong Gui | Jo Hardin | Prediction Confidence in Classification Random Forests |
Matthew Reale-Hatem |
Ami Radunskaya | Geostatistical Analysis of Arts Activity in Los Angeles |
Gbeke Fawehinmi | Edray Goins | Mathematics in Media |
Eisen Ipac | Kim Ayers | Population Dynamics and Modeling Criminal Activity |
Tai Le | Mark Huber | The Sample Size Determination Problem: A Comparison of Approaches |
Sophia Hui | Gizem Karaali | Leveraging Mistakes in the Math Classroom |
Gianna Wu | Lisette de Pillis | Mathematical Modeling for Type 1 Diabetes |
Brian Lorenz | Stephan Garcia | Bounding the Power Moments of Gaussian Periods |
Kutay Nazli | Adolfo Rumbos | Closed-Form Solutions of Non-Linear PDEs: Bäcklund Transforms and Superposition |
Allison Kirkegaard | Gabe Chandler | Modeling Educational Outcomes over Time |
Victor Machado | Edray Goins | Finite Fields and the Discrete Log Problem |
Jack Conner | Blerta Shtylla | Simulating Neuronal Networks for Prediction |
Hyeong Shin | Ghassan Sarkis | Modeling Pedestrian Flow through LAX with Simulated Queues |
Ricardo Espinoza | Ami Radunskaya | Modeling the Impact of Cultural Vibrancy on Societal Well-Being Factors |
Oscar Galindo | William Devanny | Analyzing the Minimum Cost Perfect Matching with Delays Problem |
Jose Munoz-Lopez | Stephan Garcia | Constructions for Avoiding Prime Length Arithmetic Progressions |
Justin Weltz | Jo Hardin | Over-Policing and Fair Machine Learning |
Yanai Feldman | Gizem Karaali | Mathematical (Fundamental)ism: Set Theory meets Category Theory |
Andrew Brown | Gabe Chandler | Directional Data in Baseball |
Kenneth Dennie | Stephan Garcia | Rubik's Cubes |
Muhammad Chaudhry | Edray Goins | Mathematical Games on Symmetric Solids |
Zihao Xu | Alexandra Papoutsaki | Eye-tracking Using Convolutional Neural Networks |
Sylvia Nwakanma | Gizem Karaali | Reading with Pictures, Picturing with Words:Probabilistic Topic Modeling of Text and Image |
Nina Thiebaut | HMC Clinic | Acoustics for Immersive Mixed Reality |
Israel Teru | Ghassan Sarkis | Modeling Foot Traffic at LAX |
Lucero Ramirez | Ami Radunskaya | Gaming the City: a game theoretic model using cultural vibrancy |
Neelesh Karody | Adolfo Rumbos | Higher Order Beliefs in Coordination Games |
Janie Neal | Ami Radunskaya | Community Detection in Complex Networks |
Minh Quan Do | Ghassan Sarkis | Modelling Foot Traffic Flow at LAX Using Artificial Neural Network |
Bradley Druzinsky | Adolfo Rumbos | The Kelly-Criterion |
Melissa Hooke | Gabe Chandler | Modeling Spacecraft Safe Mode Events |
Victor de Fontnouvelle | Vin de Silva | Exploring methods of high-dimensional data analysis |
Seniors | Advisor | Topic |
Duncan Skerrett | Omayra Ortega | Modeling Malaria: The Deterministic Approach |
Peter Xenopoulos | Jo Hardin | Feature Selection for Class Imbalance |
Bryce Rogan | Omayra Ortega | Learning to Fail: Predicting Brittle Fracture Evolution |
Ho Bin Kim | Adolfo Rumbos | Modeling Tumor Growth in Breast Cancer Patients |
Robin Pollak | Vin de Silva | Topological Models for Concurrent Programming |
Adam Starr | Vin de Silva | Fair Voting |
Kayla Cummings | Susan Martonosi | Operation Research to Model Government Influence on Vaccine Prices |
Errol Francis | Robin Wilson | Black In Math: A Critical Analysis of the Pomona College Math Department through the Black Male Lens |
Alan Peral Ortiz | Shahriar Shahriari | Locating Parks with a Multiobjective Optimization Method |
Alex Hof | Shahriar Shahriari | Chain Partitions of the Boolean Lattice |
Soren Aletheia-Zomlefer | Stephan Garcia | The Bateman-Horn Conjecture |
Chenxiao Song | Mark Huber | Strong Stationary Stopping Time of Random Walks |
Campbell Queen | Ghassan Sarkis | The Fibonacci Sequence Modulo M |
Siddarth Kannan | Dagan Karp | Intersection theory on moduli spaces of weighted stable curves via tropical geometry |
Adam Staplemann | Mark Huber | The CPRAR algorithm |
Chris Donnay | Stephan Garcia | On the Density of Quotient Sets Generated by Binary Quadratic Forms in the p-adics |
Jason Twohy | Ellie Dannenberg | Generating Sets for the Mapping Class Group Mod(S) |
Derek Huang | Vin de Silva | When Number Theory Meets Combinatorics |
Yu Xuan Hong | Vin de Silva | Invariant Measures on Convex Sets: On Minkowski Sums and Mixed Volumes |
Yiqi Zhao | Blerta Shtylla | How Mutation Order Affects Cancer |
Max Schwarzer | CGU Clinic | Learning to Fail: Predicting Fracturing in Brittle Materials with Deep Learning |
Adam Hinthorne | Gabe Chandler | Missing Data in NCAA Division III Baseball |
Kalyan Chadalavada | HMC Clinic | Partial Least Squares Regressions: Football Projection Model |
Cade Hulse | HMC Clinic | Operations Research & Supply Chain Management |
Jacob Gomez | Gizem Karaali | Ethnomathematics: Rethinking critical pedagogies for mathematics education |
Grant Belsterling | HMC Clinic | Time Series |
Amina Abdu | Adolfo Rumbos | Optimal Transport Theory for Equilibrium Selection in Discrete Games |
Edwin Villafane Hernandez | Blake Hunter | Detecting Communities Through Cultural Analytics and Multilayered Networks |
Samuel Yih | Stephan Garcia | Factorization Length Distribution in Numerical Semigroups |
Evan Schechter | Asuman Aksoy | Banach Spaces and Bernstein Pairs |
Vanessa Machuca | Ami Radunskaya | Age-Structured Modeling of Antarctic Fish Populations |
Claire Fan | Ami Rad/Blerta Shtylla | Modeling Sociality in Nephila clavipes Spider |
Tiannan Du | Allon Percus | Word Embedding and Its Applications |
Jeffrey Carney | HMC Clinic | Optical Character Recognition with Neural Networks |
Yufeng Hu | Omayra Ortega | Epidemiological Compartment Models of Malaria |
Ashley Simons | Talithia Williams | Topic Modeling the New York Times: A New Look at World War II |
Jacob Shore | Gabe Chandler | Modeling Westward Expansion through Filaments |
Ben Gregory | Kim Ayers | Symbolic Dynamics of Smale's Horseshoe |
Gillian Desmond | Vin de Silva | Error-Correcting Codes: Hidden Geometry |
Madhura Jayaraman | William Devanny | Monster Packing Theorem |
Austin Wei | Vin de Silva | Recurrence and Combinatorial Number Theory |
Andi Chen | Vin de Silva | Impartial Gamers’ Guide to Winning |
Nurullah Goren | Gizem Karaali | Quantitative Literacy in Context: Insights from Textbook Analysis |
Nicholas Vucovich | Ami Radunskaya | Modeling Warfare |
Nick Azar | Omayra Ortega | Methods of Malaria Modeling - Stochastic Processes |
Chris Barnes | Jo Hardin | Neural Style Transfer |
Paul Westcott | Adolfo Rumbos | Optimization of Common Pool Resource Games Using Control Theory |
Erin Angelini | Blerta Shtylla | An Energy-Based Model of Mitotic Spindle Alignment |
Ethan Matlin | Ami Rad/Blerta Shtylla | The Social Spider: An Agent-based Model for Clustering Behavior |
Luis Espino | Jo Hardin | Racism without a Face: Predictive Statistics in the Criminal Justice System |
Chaitanya Fatehpuria | Angelo De Pace | Modeling the Dynamic Conditional Correlation between India and United States Stock Markets with Multivariate GARCH models |
James Kinney | Gabe Chandler | Boosting in the Context of a New Regression Algorithm |
Neel Adhiraj Kumar | Vin de Silva | Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence for 2048 |
Amy Oden | Shahriar Shahriari | Evaluating Efficiency with Data Envelopment Analysis |
Timothy Woods II | Ami Rad/Blerta Shtylla | Modeling Spider Behavior: An investigation of Spider Clustering |
Noah Keshner | Gabe Chandler | From Training to Test: A Way to Characterize Expected Performance on Future Data |
Shreyas Kadaba | HMC Clinic | Methods for Optimizing Supply Chain Management |
Kadija Yilla | Ami Radunskaya | Analyzing Cascades in Social Networks |
Kashvi Tibrewal | Jo Hardin | Learning from Loss Functions: An Alternative Approach to Classification |
Eric Campbell – Infiniteness and Linear Temporal Logic Soundness, Completeness & Decidability
(Supervisor: Greenberg)
Alejandra Castillo – Manifold Learning for Flow Cytometry Data
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Woonhyuk “Harry” Choi – Boltzmann Enhancements of Biquasile Counting Invariants
(Supervisor: Nelson)
Emily Driscoll – Finding and Using Supersingular Elliptic Curves
(Supervisor: Sarkis)
Zivvy Epstein – Data Representation as Low Rank Matrix Factorization
(Supervisor: Hunter)
Kai Fukutaki – Extensions of Support Vector Machines
(Supervisor: Chandler)
Abigail Gardner – Variations of Parameters in Crime Dynamics Modeling
(Supervisor: Ayers)
Logan Gilbert – Bayesian Discovery of Threat Networks
(Supervisor: Chávez)
Adam Hathaway – Algebraic Models of Logic in Quantum Mechanics
(Supervisor: Karaali)
Adam He – A Topological Model of Lasso Proteins
(Supervisor: Flapan)
Ian Jaime – Stochastic Volatility Modeling: Time Series and Differential Equation Approaches
(Supervisor: Chandler)
Ruby Kim – Stability Analysis of a Tumor-Immune Model
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Sang Yeob “John” Kim – Mathematical Modeling of Antimicrobial Resistance
(Supervisor: Rumbos)
Beattie Kuture – Exploiting Orbits to Solve Symmetric Integer Linear Programs
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Nicolas Lanker – Algebraic Graph Theory and the Tutte Polynomial of Graphs
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Xuanchi Lu – Topological Time Series Analysis
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Benjamin Lu – Constructing Prediction Intervals for Random Forests
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Yichen Lu – Modeling the Vehicle Routing Problem in the Real World
(Supervisor: Martonosi)
Maria Martinez – The Expectation Maximization Algorithm & RNA-sequencing
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Anna Novikova – Topic Modeling with Emotion Analysis
(Supervisor: Hunter)
Ralitsa Racheva – Counting Cliques in Turán Graphs after Adding Extra Edges
(Supervisor: Miner)
Nathanael Roy – Genetic Algorithms
(Supervisor: Huber)
Luke Sawyer – Distribution of Residues in the Pisano Period
(Supervisor: Sarkis)
Timothy Schaaff – Triangle Factors in Random Graphs
(Supervisor: Garcia)
Leo Selker – Möbius Inversion: From Posets to Categories
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Dmitriy Smirnov – SimpleX: Software Tools for Visualizing Functions on Simplicial Complexes
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Julia Smith – Evaluating Problem-Based Mathematics Curricula, Grades 9-12
(Supervisor: Karaali)
Paul Tran – Mathematically Modeling the Dynamics of Tuberculosis
(Supervisor: Rumbos)
Anastasia Voloshinov – Spectral Sparsification of Graphs
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Jinglin “Vanessa” Wang – Revisiting the College Admissions Problem
(Supervisor: Karaali)
Jackson Warley – Random Links via Simplex Embeddings
(Supervisor: Kozai)
Nattanicha Wattananimitgul – Simulating Diffusion-Limited Reactions and Application to Cell Division of the Caulobacter Crescentus Bacterium
(Supervisor: Shtylla)
Christina Williamson – Gaussian Process Regression: A Nonparametric Bayesian Modeling Approach
(Supervisor: Chandler)
Song Yu – Symmetries of Spatial Graphs in Homology Spheres
(Supervisor: Flapan)
Wentau Yuan – Functional Representation of Maps Between Shapes
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Yenny Zhang – Integrating Random Forests into the Bag of Little Bootstraps
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Devon Allison – Nash Equilibrium
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Nicholas Alvarez - Decision Making in Random Forests
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Isaiah Boone - SVM and the Application of Prediction Rules
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Kevin Brice - Principal Component Analysis and Baseball
(Supervisor: Sarkis)
Sydney Browning - Predictive Analytics
(Supervisor: Chandler)
John Bryan - Obtaining Confidence & Prediction Intervals from Random Forests Using Bag of Little Bootstraps & Related Methods
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Paula Burkhardt - Interlacing Polynomials and Infinite Families of Ramanujan Graphs
(Supervisor: Garcia)
Wanning Chen - Exploring the Properties of Maximally Even Sets via Lens of Partially Ordered Set
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Michael Cork - Incorporating PD-L1 in a mathematical model of immune response to tumor cells
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Gabriel Currier - Hamiltonian Cycles in Dense Regular Graphs
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Pieter Derdeyn - An Elastic Model for Bacterial DNA Segregation
(Supervisor: Shtylla)
YuBai Di - Intrinsically Strong Linking in Complete Graphs
(Supervisor: Flapan)
Ciaran Evans - Normalization of RNA-Seq data in the case of asymmetric differential expression
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Luke Fischinger - a Quasigroups and Their Characters
(Supervisor: Karaali)
John Fowler - Monte Carlo Approximation Methods for Stochastic Optimization
(Supervisor: Huber)
Andrea "Annie" Hellebust - Minimizing Power Outages in Power Distribution Networks: A Clinic Project for Southern California Edison
(Supervisor: Radunskaya & Shtylla)
Max Hoffman - Modelling Mitotic Spindle Stability in C. elegans
(Supervisor: Shtylla)
Tingyu Huang - The Greene-Kleitman Theorem and Its Proofs
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Kevin Kannappan - Modeling of Crime Hotspots: Applied to Residential Burglary in San Francisco
(Supervisor: Chavez)
Stephen Kim - Predicting Outcomes for Soccer Tournaments & Leagues
(Supervisor: Chandler)
Yein Kim - Random Walks and Electric Networks
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Hannah Li - The Manickam-Miklos-Singhi Conjecture
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Cristina Lopez - A Mathematical Model for the Release Kinetics in a Cancer Vaccine
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Ruoxi Lu - Kernels in the Mathematics of Learning
(Supervisor: de Sliva)
Daniel Metz - Bayesian Nonparametrics
(Supervisor: Chandler)
Cesar Meza – Ethnomathematics
(Supervisor: Karaali)
Charles Minkah-Premo - Motivation and Epistemological Beliefs in Different Domains
(Supervisor: Karaali)
Woodson Powell - Exploring Gaussian Processes and American Football
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Emily Proulx - Creative Mathematical Reasoning in Assessment Tasks
(Supervisor: Karaali)
Dylan Quantz - Analyzing Centrality in Complex Gene Networks
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Simon Rosenbaum - Money for Nothing, Picks for Free: A statistical evaluation of the impact of Major League Baseball's New Collective Bargaining Agreement on the Rule IV Draft
(Supervisor: Chandler)
Andrew Russell - Elliptic Curve Pairings in Cryptography
(Supervisor: Sarkis)
Kristin Silva - Benford's Law of Leading Digits in Astronomy
(Supervisor: Garcia)
Ryan Smith - Representation Theory for C*-Algebras
(Supervisor: Garcia)
Hong Suh - Distinct Distances and Polynomial Partitioning
(Supervisor: Garcia)
Daniel Swift - On the Density of Rational Quadrilaterals and its Potential Application to an Open Problem in Number Theory
(Supervisor: Sarkis)
Aaron Varner - Decompositions of the Linear Lattice
(Supervisor: Sarkis)
Adam Waterbury - Strong Linking of Embedded Graphs
(Supervisor: Flapan)
Daniel Weinand - Proper Scoring Rules for the Extreme value distribution
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Archer Wheeler - Strong Linking of Embedded Graphs
(Supervisor: Flapan)
Aryana Yee - Machine Learning and Applications in Credit Scoring
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Kimberley Africa - 2+2≠4: Challenging Mathematical Realities and Access in Education
(Supervisor: Karaali)
Rebecca Baiman - Investigation of Error Rates in Box Plot-based Inference
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Julien Breistroff - Complex Dynamics, Fractals, and Sonification
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Bryan Brown - Factoring 2 X 2 Inner Functions
(Supervisor: Garcia)
Jedrik Chao - Seawater Reverse Osmosis Desalination Models
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Kirkwood Alexander Cloud - Simulating Vervaat Perpetuities
(Supervisor: Mark Huber)
Alexander Cole - Supermanifolds
(Supervisor: Karaali)
William Curatolo - Regularity of Graphs
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Natalie Dennis - Evaluating Stochastic Processes and the Ito Integral
(Supervisor: Rumbos)
William DeRose - Sampling from High Dimensional Distributions: A Gradient Based Approach
(Supervisor: Chandler)
Dillon Dong- The Strange Properties of Tilings
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Catherine Dugan- What is the purpose of a math education? A Case Study on the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics
(Supervisor: Darryl Yong)
Jacob Fiksel - A Comparative Analysis of RNA-sea and Microarray Data
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Christopher Garnatz - Bootstrapping for Big Data
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Sheridan Grant - Efficient Sampling Over Graphs with the Randomness Recycler
(Supervisor: Mark Huber)
Tianyu Gu - Super Characters and Fourier Transform
(Supervisor: Garcia)
Uriel Guadarrama - The Firefighter Problem
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Katrina Jacobs - An Investigation of Cops and Robber
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Yiting Ji - Topological Optimization of Reliability Volatility in Power Distribution Network
(Supervisor: Sarkis)
Mary Kamitaki - Applications of Degree Theory to Boundary Value Problems
(Supervisor: Rumbos)
Timothy Kaye - Mondrian Forests
(Supervisor: Chandler)
Alexandre Kellogg - How Humans Play Games: A Comparison of a New Equilibrium Concept using Experimental Data
(Supervisor: Fryer)
Rob Knickerbocker - Optimizing Reliability of Power Distribution Networks
(Supervisor: Shtylla)
Mathieu de Langis - Some Supercharacter Theories on (ℤ/nℤ)d
(Supervisor: Garcia)
Woo Hyung Lee - Predicting Irrational Outcomes in Game Theory
(Supervisor: Fryer)
Kevin Lu - Curse of Dimensionality and Audio Data
(Supervisor: Chandler)
Alexander Ma - Random Graphs and Ramsey Theory
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Geordie Marriner - Financial Applications of Stochastic Differential Equations
(Supervisor: Rumbos)
Kyle McAndrews - A Post Recession Analysis of Value at Risk
(Supervisor: Chandler)
Emmanuel Mendez - Fermat's Last Theorem
(Supervisor: Karaali)
Eric Pasewark - Computing Nash Equilibria
(Supervisor: Fryer)
Kenneth Rabin - A Probabilistic Analysis of Casino Blackjack and Card Counting Strategies
(Supervisor: Shtylla)
Susannah Shoemaker - Derivation of Fučík Curves for Periodic Boundary Value Problems
(Supervisor: Rumbos)
Michael Someck - Error-Correcting Codes
(Supervisor: Shahriari)
Thalia Spinrad - Finding Unstable Smooth, Symmetric Selection Dynamics
(Supervisor: Fryer)
Jennifer Stewart - Creativity and Failure in Gifted Mathematics Education
(Supervisor: Karaali)
Samantha Stewart - Optic Giloma through the Lens of Cluster Analysis
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Connor Sutton - An Exploration of Integer Partitions
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Daniel Thompson - Intrinsic Linking in Complete Graphs
(Supervisor: Flapan)
Sallie Walecka - A Mathematical Model for Pattern Formation in IDPN-treated Axons
(Supervisor: Shtylla)
Hannah Wayment-Steele - A Stochastic Differential Equations Model for Microtubule Dynamics in Early C. elegans Development
(Supervisor: Shtylla)
Xiang "Carol" Xiang - Modeling Women's Income Dynamics
(Supervisor: Radunskaya)
Samuel Young - Homotopy Type Theory
(Supervisor: de Silva)
Caroline Zaia - Value Added Modeling in Teacher Assessment
(Supervisor: Hardin)
Tianrong "Sally" Zhang - Riemann Zeta Function
(Supervisor: Garcia)