2024-2025 Faculty Development Calendar of Events

Events for Faculty Development


September 12, 11:00am-12:30pm (PT), Online

NCFDD Guest Expert Webinar: Overcoming Academic Perfectionism

Do you struggle to share your writing at its early stages? Do you find yourself feeling frustrated by criticism or by anything that goes wrong? Join Dr. Elizabeth S. Park (Faculty at UNLV) in reflecting on how to navigate the causes and tendencies of perfectionism.

Watch the Overcoming Academic Perfectionism Webinar


October 10, 11:00am-12:30pm (PT), Online

NCFDD: How to Engage in Healthy Conflict

Do you often feel drained by departmental drama? Do feel unclear how to handle conflicts that arise in your department? Are you unsure when, where, and how to manage conflict with people who will be voting on your tenure? In this webinar, you will learn how conflict-management is an essential part of thriving in the Academy and how to decide when to push back and when to pull back in the face of conflict. Expert NCFDD facilitator, Rosemarie A. Roberts, PhD, is a social scientist, artist, and interdisciplinary scholar, and the Dayton Professor of Dance at Connecticut College.

Watch the How to Engage in Healthy Conflict Webinar

October 22, 11:00am-12:30pm (PT), Online

NCFDD: How To Effectively And Efficiently Revise and Resubmit Your Manuscript

Receiving a “revise and resubmit” from an academic journal can be exciting… yet daunting. In this webinar, Dr. Haley Horstman will use principles of narrative theory to guide you in how to effectively and efficiently approach an “R&R.” We will discuss how to develop your own system to manage overwhelm, organize reviewers’ feedback, strengthen your manuscript for resubmission, and write a compelling letter to the editor/reviewers.

Watch the How to Effectively and Efficiently Revise and Resubmit Your Manuscript Webinar

October 24, 12:10-12:55 pm, Holmes Room, 1st floor Alexander Hall)

Conducting the Department Self-Study

Associate Dean for Curriculum Pierangelo De Pace is responsible for helping chairs and coordinators guide the process of the self-study. He and two faculty members who have recently conducted departmental self-studies, George Gorse and Chanchal Dadlani, will lead a discussion about the process to share best practices and good ideas.

Lunch will be provided.


November 14, 11:00am-12:30pm (PT), Online

NCFDD: How to Manage Stress, Rejection & Hater's in Your Midst

Do you feel devastated when your articles and/or grant proposals get rejected? Is the pressure of publishing/funding your work making you sick? If any of this sounds familiar and you have difficulty managing the negative energy and rejection in your environment, please join us to learn the concrete strategies for managing the physical, emotional, and attitudinal effects of stress. Facilitated by Dr. Pamela Yeh, associate professor in the Dept. of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at UCLA works on how populations evolve in novel environments.

Watch the How to Manage Stress, Rejection & Hater's in your Midst Webinar

November 14, 12-1pm, SCC208, 2nd floor Smith Campus Center

Agenda-Free Lunch Meeting

Chairs/coordinators are invited to this space to gather and exchange or share ideas.

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP.

November 19, 11:00am-12:30pm (PT), Online

NCFDD Guest Webinar: Mentoring Matters: Putting Programs into Action

Mentoring can play a pivotal role in supporting faculty members’ success, job satisfaction, and career advancement. However, developing and maintaining successful mentoring programs can be challenging! In this 75-minute live discussion panel, we will highlight how three universities have created and sustained successful mentoring programs on their campuses. Dr. Chelsea Chandler is the Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) at Bowling Green State University. Dr. Zúñiga is professor in the School of Social Work at San Diego State University (SDSU). Dr. Luna Lu is the Reilly Professor of the Lyles School of Civil Engineering, associate dean of faculty at the College of Engineering, and founding director of the Center for Intelligent Infrastructure (CII) at Purdue University.

Watch the Mentoring Matters Webinar

November 21, 12-1:00 pm, SCC208, 2nd floor Smith Campus Center

Chairs and Coordinators Meeting

Lunch Meeting for Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, & Directors

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP.


December 6, 1-2:30pm (PT), Online

NCFDD Live Zoom: Reflections and Planning for Success

Join us for a next week planning meeting! We will set some time aside with you to wrap up your week and plan your next one. We want you to be as successful as you can be at the start of each week so why not plan everything together. Lisa Hanasono, Ph.D., is the NCFDD’s Academic Director of Training and Content, as well as an NCFDD Certified Workshop Facilitator and Faculty Success Program Coach.

Register for the Reflections and Planning for Success Webinar

December 10, 7-8:30 (PT), Online

NCFDD Live Zoom: Virtual Writing Session

Join us for your daily writing session! We'll be live on Zoom to write together in community and reflect on how the session went. Professor Carlita Favero (Ursinus College) will provide a brief introduction and a guided writing exercise. Expanding your notion of what writing is will help you to reduce your resistance by making daily writing feel like a regular part of your everyday routine.

Register for the Virtual Writing Session Webinar


Deadline to Apply: January 6

Winter/Spring 2025 Grantwriting Workshop

We are resuming next year a series of on-site workshop sessions specifically for faculty in the humanities, arts, and humanistic social sciences. The aim is to gain knowledge, skills, and enhanced assistance from external consultant Ed Dimendberg in applying for external fellowships and grants. Participants in past editions of the workshop have received highly competitive national and international awards. The workshop is intended to supplement our robust internal research development support systems and encourage peer networking. The workshop sessions will be held on the Pomona campus from 11am to 1pm on (Fridays) January 24, February 21, and April 4, 2025, with a followup session planned for September 2025. Lunch will be provided.

Email Dean Gerstein for more information.

January 9, 11:00am-12:00pm (PT), Online

NCFDD: Core Curriculum Webinar: Every Semester Needs a Plan

Do you want to figure out how to be more productive AND enjoy your life this semester? We offer this planning webinar at the beginning of each semester so that you can take time out of your schedule to identify your personal and professional goals, create a strategic plan to accomplish them, and identify the types of community, support, and accountability you need to make this your most productive and balanced semester ever! Carlita Favero, PhD, is a Professor of Biology and Neuroscience at Ursinus College, an exclusively undergraduate liberal arts institution with about 1600 students, will be facilitating this webinar on how to create a strategic plan to identify and accomplish your goals.

Register for the "Every Semester Needs a Plan" Live Zoom Call

January 14, 11:00am-12:30pm (PT), Online

NCFDD: Beyond Burnout Part 2: Approaches to Faculty Well-Being 

On many campuses, the mental health and well-being of students is a top priority - but what about faculty and staff? If faculty working conditions are student learning conditions, we have to be taking care of faculty and staff well-being as well. In this workshop, we’ll examine the definition of burnout, learn about the characteristics and consequences of burnout experiences, and look through the lenses of purpose, compassion, connection, and balance for strategies to directly address faculty well-being. Dr. Rebecca Pope-Ruark is the director of the Office of Faculty Professional Development at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA.

Register for the "Beyond Burnout Part 2: Approaches to Faculty Well-Being Live Zoom Call

January 16, 9:00am-3:00pm, Shanahan Center for Teaching and Learning (HMC), Room 2454

Spring Teaching Tune-Up

The Teaching Tune Up is a mini-conference on Teaching, just in time for the Spring Semester. We have coordinated sessions on AI, Assessing and Evaluating Teaching, Consent-Forward Classroom Practices, Good Enough Teaching, Making the Most of Mid-Semester Feedback, and Teaching Climate Across Disciplines. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks will be provided.

RSVP Here by January 8

January 17, 10:00am-11:00am (PT), Online

NCFDD: Weekly Wrap-Up Reflections and Planning for Success

Join us for a next week planning meeting! We will set some time aside with you to wrap up your week and plan your next one. We want you to be as successful as you can be at the start of each week so why not plan everything together.

Register for the NCFDD Weekly Wrap-Up on January 17

January 21, 7:00am-8:00am (PT), Online

NCFDD: Virtual Writing Session

Join us for your daily writing session! We'll be live on Zoom to write together in community and reflect on how the session went. Professor Carlita Favero (Ursinus College) will provide a brief introduction, we'll write for 30 minutes, and we'll close out with reflections.

Register for the NCFDD Virtual Writing Session on January 21

January 30, 3:00pm-4:30pm, Shanahan Center for Teaching and Learning (HMC), Room B460

Using Critical Teaching Behaviors to Transform Conversations about Teaching

How can we effectively communicate about and collaborate on teaching with our colleagues and students? In this presentation, Lauren Barbeau will introduce the Critical Teaching Behaviors (CTB) framework, a tool that synthesizes research on effective teaching practices in higher education into six categories of observable behaviors. Definitions and behaviors listed on the CTB framework help faculty develop a shared understanding of good teaching. This foundation prepares faculty to have productive conversations about teaching with colleagues. When we speak a common language, we can claim agency in telling our teaching stories, share and recognize effective teaching practices, and collaborate to develop more equitable measures for evaluating teaching. In this session, we will lay the foundation for these discussions by exploring the framework, using it to reflect on our teaching, and sharing our strengths and strategies with colleagues.

Lauren Barbeau is the Assistant Director for Learning and Technology Initiatives at the Georgia Institute of Technology. 

January 30, 12:15pm-1:15pm, Honnold Mudd Library, Honnold Conference Room (2nd Floor)

Guilt-Free Book Club

Each semester, the CTL chooses a book for our Guilt-Free Book Club. The book club is guilt-free in that participants are encouraged to attend, even if they haven’t done the reading or have missed prior meetings. In Spring 2025 we will be reading Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom by Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy. Every other Thursday. Lunch will be provided.

Meeting Dates:

January 30
February 13, 27
March 13, 27
April 10, 24

RSVP for Guilt-Free Book Club Week 1: January 30

Spring 2025

Teaching when the World is on Fire Learning Community

This learning community is for anyone questioning how to teach effectively in the current era of climate change, war, student protest and more. How do we teach right here, right now? We’ll use the book Teaching While the World Is on Fire as a jumping-off point for exploration and analysis. The book is organized into sections on politics, safety, race, gender + sexuality, and climate, primarily aimed at K-12 educators. We’ll work together to assess if and how any of the messages from this book can be adapted and applied to higher education generally, and to the Claremont Colleges specifically. Hosted by: Sara Hollar, CTL Director

Sign Up for the "Teaching when the World is on Fire Learning Community" here.

Spring 2025

Learning Community for Expanding Climate Education

While many of us want to include more climate content in our courses, finding the time and resources to do this work can be challenging and perhaps even intimidating. Sometimes, a little accountability makes all the difference. The HMC Hixon Center for Climate and the Environment is partnering with the Center for Teaching and Learning to expand the number of faculty and staff, and the variety of courses, engaged in undergraduate climate education. We welcome participants seeking to innovate at any scale, from a single homework assignment to a full course. While we welcome participants with all levels of expertise in climate, we are particularly interested in supporting faculty and staff who have very little experience in this area. In this LC, we will: share resources for incorporating climate change into your curriculum, offer feedback on ideas for including climate in your course, foster a community of professionals at the Claremont Colleges with similar interests in climate education, and create accountability for progress toward your individual goals with check ins over meals, either breakfast or lunch, on alternate weeks.

In addition to providing either breakfast or lunch on alternate weeks, we will offer reimbursement of up to $150 for any conference or event you attend to share your new materials. Hosted by: Lelia Hawkins, Director of the Hixon Center and Hixon Professor of Climate Studies

Sign Up for the "Expanding Climate Education Learning Community" here.



February 3, 11:00am-12:00pm (PT), Online

NCFDD Live Zoom: Reclaiming Our Time: AI and Academic Productivity

Academia often demands more from faculty of color, especially women. Service duties like mentoring, advising, and supporting marginalized students and filling diversity quotas on committees leaves less time to focus on aspects of the job that are most heavily weighted in our evaluations. This unsustainable pace often compromises our productivity, creativity, efficacy, and ability to engage in self-care. Dr. Nicole M. West is an Associate Professor of Student Affairs in Higher Education at Missouri State University (MSU) and also serves as the Special Education, Leadership, and Professional Studies’ Assistant School Director and EdD Graduate Program Director in MSU's College of Education. Dr. Uribe-Zarain, originally from Mexico City, is an educator and program evaluator dedicated to improving education through data-driven insights. Dr. Sharnnia Artis serves as Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer at George Mason University. Dr. Marjorie Shavers is the Associate Dean of the College of Education at Missouri State University.

Register for the Reclaiming Our Time: AI and Academic Productivity Webinar

February 3, 12:10-12:55 pm, SCC217, 2nd Floor Smith Campus Center

Things I Wish I Knew When I First Became Chair

Lunch Meeting for Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, & Directors. Join Dave Kauchak and Ben Keim, in an informal discussion about the questions to ask and the support to seek when one enters into this important leadership role.

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP.

February 4, 12:10-12:55 pm, SCC218, 2nd Floor Smith Campus Center

FPC Reviews

If you have questions about compiling your dossier (e.g. writing your personal statement, whether to include optional materials), time-management, or anything else about what to expect, please join us for lunch and a casual conversation with Konrad Aguilar and Kyle Wilson, who have completed the process.

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP.

February 10, 12-1 pm, SCC208, 2nd Floor Smith Campus Center

Agenda-Free Lunch Meeting

Lunch Meeting for Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, & Directors

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP.

February 11, 9:00am-10:00pm (PT), Online

NFCDD Live Zoom: 5 Secrets to a Super Productive Semester

Join us for one of our most popular webinars where you will learn:

  • How to avoid the biggest mistakes academic writers make during the academic term
  • How to maximize your research and writing productivity
  • How to combat professional isolation and create a supportive writing community

Register for NFCDD: 5 Secrets to a Super productive Semester on February 11 

February 13, 11:00am-12:00pm (PT), Online

NFCDD Live Zoom: How to Align Your Time with Your Priorities

Grab your strategic plan and learn the secret to making it work day-to-day and week-to-week! How to Align Your Time with Your Priorities is a step-by-step guide to holding a weekly planning meeting (aka The Weekly Meeting). In this webinar you'll learn: what works…and what DOESN'T work when it comes to weekly planning and why weekly planning is the bridge between your strategic plan and getting control of your workday. Naomi Levy, PhD is Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Office of Student Fellowships at Santa Clara University, a private institution that equally emphasizes both aspects of the "teacher-scholar model."

Register for: "How to Align Your Time with Your Priorities"

February 13, 12:15pm-1:15pm, Honnold Mudd Library, Honnold Conference Room (2nd Floor)

Guilt-Free Book Club

Each semester, the CTL chooses a book for our Guilt-Free Book Club. The book club is guilt-free in that participants are encouraged to attend, even if they haven’t done the reading or have missed prior meetings. In Spring 2025 we will be reading Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom by Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy. Every other Thursday. Lunch will be provided.

Meeting Dates:
February 13, 27
March 13, 27
April 10, 24

RSVP for Guilt-Free Book Club: February 13

February 14, 10:00am-11:00am (PT), Online

NCFDD: Weekly Wrap-Up Reflections and Planning for Success

Join us for a next week planning meeting! We will set some time aside with you to wrap up your week and plan your next one. We want you to be as successful as you can be at the start of each week so why not plan everything together.

Register for the NCFDD Weekly Wrap-Up on February 14

Deadline: February 14, Online

NCFDD 14-Day Writing Challenge

The 14-Day Challenge is an opportunity for you to experiment with daily writing, online community, and supportive accountability. It's very simple: You commit to write every day for at least 30 minutes. At the beginning of your writing time, you login to our online community, start the timer, complete your writing, and post your progress at the end. You take 5 minutes to support other writers in your group by commenting on their progress.

Meeting Dates:
February 24-March 9

Register for the Spring 2025 14-Day Writing Challenge

February 18, 7:00am-8:00am (PT), Online

NCFDD: Virtual Writing Session

Join us for your daily writing session! We'll be live on Zoom to write together in community and reflect on how the session went. Professor Carlita Favero (Ursinus College) will provide a brief introduction, we'll write for 30 minutes, and we'll close out with reflections.

Register for the NCFDD Virtual Writing Session on February 18

February 20, 11:00am-12:00pm (PT), Online

NCFDD Live Zoom: Academic Leadership: When, Why, and How to Step Up

Faculty receive little guidance and preparation for stepping into leadership roles. This lack of guidance is especially true for those not seen as stereotypical leaders. Faculty often wonder when might it be appropriate to step into a leadership role, if at all. What should be some considerations? How does one shift into academic leadership roles? In this webinar, answers to these questions will be provided and self reflection will be encouraged. Dr. Tasha Souza is the Associate Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning and Professor of Communication at Boise State University.

Register for "Academic Leadership: When, Why, and How to Step-Up"

February 27, 12:15pm-1:15pm, Honnold Mudd Library, Honnold Conference Room (2nd Floor)

Guilt-Free Book Club

Each semester, the CTL chooses a book for our Guilt-Free Book Club. The book club is guilt-free in that participants are encouraged to attend, even if they haven’t done the reading or have missed prior meetings. In Spring 2025 we will be reading Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom by Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy. Every other Thursday. Lunch will be provided.

Meeting Dates:
February  27
March 13, 27
April 10, 24

RSVP for Guilt-Free Book Club: February 27


March 10, 12:10-12:55 pm, SCC217, 2nd Floor Smith Campus Center

Chairing FPC Reviews

Join Gilda Ochoa and Joti Rockwell to talk about best practices for FPC review chairs. Jan Roselle will be on hand to provide support on procedural questions that may arise.

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP.

March 13, 12-1 pm, SCC208

Chairs and Coordinators Meeting

Lunch Meeting for Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, & Directors

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP.

March 13, 11:00am-12:00pm (PT), Online

NCFDD Live Zoom: How to Develop a Daily Writing Practice

Do you wish you could develop a healthy, consistent, daily writing routine that would allow you to meet your department’s expectations for tenure and promotion? In this webinar you'll learn: the three biggest myths about writing that hobble new faculty productivity and the surprising difference between struggling new faculty members and those who are designated as "rising stars." Angelique M. Davis, JD, is a Full Professor of Political Science at Seattle University and former director of their African & African-American Studies Program. Her research concentrates on the socio-legal construction and manifestations of race and racism in the United States.

Register for the How to Develop a Daily Writing Practice Webinar

March 13, 12:15pm-1:15pm, Honnold Mudd Library, Honnold Conference Room (2nd Floor)

Guilt-Free Book Club

Each semester, the CTL chooses a book for our Guilt-Free Book Club. The book club is guilt-free in that participants are encouraged to attend, even if they haven’t done the reading or have missed prior meetings. In Spring 2025 we will be reading Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom by Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy. Every other Thursday. Lunch will be provided.

Meeting Dates:
March 13, 27
April 10, 24

RSVP for Guilt-Free Book Club: March 13

March 14, 10:00am-11:00am (PT), Online

NCFDD: Weekly Wrap-Up Reflections and Planning for Success

Join us for a next week planning meeting! We will set some time aside with you to wrap up your week and plan your next one. We want you to be as successful as you can be at the start of each week so why not plan everything together.

Register for the NCFDD Weekly Wrap-Up on March 14

March 18, 7:00am-8:00am (PT), Online

NCFDD: Virtual Writing Session

Join us for your daily writing session! We'll be live on Zoom to write together in community and reflect on how the session went. Professor Carlita Favero (Ursinus College) will provide a brief introduction, we'll write for 30 minutes, and we'll close out with reflections.

Register for the NCFDD Virtual Writing Session on March 18

March 24, 12:10-12:55 pm, SCC217, 2nd Floor Smith Campus Center

Supporting New Faculty Members & Creating a Welcoming Department Community

Join Virginie Pouzet-Duzer and Jennifer Friedlander to talk about intentionally creating an inclusive, welcoming, and supportive environment for new faculty members and other community members.

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP.

March 25, 11:00am-12:30pm (PT), Online

NCFDD Live Zoom: Mentoring Up for Faculty

Whether you're new to your faculty role or more experienced, you'll likely need to find and manage relationships with mentors for your own professional success and advancement. However, finding effective mentors and managing these relationships can be challenging

In this workshop, you’ll be led in interactive discussions with your peers to identify challenges that you face in engaging in effective mentoring relationships and crowdsource efforts that have helped people in similar circumstances. You’ll also participate in evidence-based activities designed to address common challenges, including strategies on how to identify your specific needs, approach mentors with your requests, and align expectations between you and your mentor.

Register for the Mentoring Up for Faculty Webinar

March 27, 12:15pm-1:15pm, Honnold Mudd Library, Honnold Conference Room (2nd Floor)

Guilt-Free Book Club

Each semester, the CTL chooses a book for our Guilt-Free Book Club. The book club is guilt-free in that participants are encouraged to attend, even if they haven’t done the reading or have missed prior meetings. In Spring 2025 we will be reading Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom by Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy. Every other Thursday. Lunch will be provided.

Meeting Dates:
March 27
April 10, 24

RSVP for Guilt-Free Book Club: March 27


April 7, 12-1 pm, SCC208

Agenda-Free Lunch Meeting

Lunch Meeting for Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, & Directors

Lunch will be provided. Please RSVP.

April 10, 12:15pm-1:15pm, Honnold Mudd Library, Honnold Conference Room (2nd Floor)

Guilt-Free Book Club

Each semester, the CTL chooses a book for our Guilt-Free Book Club. The book club is guilt-free in that participants are encouraged to attend, even if they haven’t done the reading or have missed prior meetings. In Spring 2025 we will be reading Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom by Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy. Every other Thursday. Lunch will be provided.

Meeting Dates:
April 10, 24

RSVP for Guilt-Free Book Club: April 10

April 10, 11:00am-12:00pm (PT), Online

NCFDD Live Zoom: Mastering Academic Time Management

New faculty members commonly describe working long hours but making little progress on their research and writing and a sense of loneliness that stems from limited mentoring and community. How to create time for academic writing and research. This webinar is specifically designed to address these issues and provide participants with concrete skills to successfully transition from graduate student to professor, specifically learning how to organize a network of support and accountability for writing productivity and balance. Joy Gaston Gayles, PhD, is the Head of the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development (ELPHD) & an Alumni Association Distinguished Graduate Professor at North Carolina State University.

Register for the Mastering Academic Time Management Webinar

April 17, 11:00am-12:00pm (PT), Online

NCFDD Live Zoom: Academic Leadership: Cultivating Your Mentorship Network

In this interactive webinar, we will introduce audience members to a new NCFDD tool that aims to help academic leaders identify their specific mentoring needs and get those needs fulfilled. In addition, we’ll share some practical approaches and tips on how academic leaders can expand their network of mentors and sponsors.

Register for the Academic Leadership Webinar

April 17, 12-1 pm, SCC208, 2nd Floor Smith Campus Center

Chairs and Coordinators Meeting

Lunch Meeting for Department Chairs, Program Coordinators, & Directors

Lunch will be provided

April 24, 12:15pm-1:15pm, Honnold Mudd Library, Honnold Conference Room (2nd Floor)

Guilt-Free Book Club

Each semester, the CTL chooses a book for our Guilt-Free Book Club. The book club is guilt-free in that participants are encouraged to attend, even if they haven’t done the reading or have missed prior meetings. In Spring 2025 we will be reading Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom by Kelly A. Hogan and Viji Sathy. Every other Thursday. Lunch will be provided.

RSVP for Guilt-Free Book Club: April 24