Grant Proposal Procedures

Application to external agencies for research funding is largely the responsibility of individual faculty members. Applications to such agencies must go through the Director of Sponsored Research and the Associate Dean for approval. Necessary review with respect to institutional support and budget approval is accomplished by this procedure. Normally, five working days are required to review such proposals including Business Office review of the budget. The Dean's Office assists faculty members in obtaining grants, fellowships, and other research support from various sources by:

a) making available 2 major grant directories, maintaining faculty access to on-line computer grant announcements and information via Grant Advisor Plus, Independent Colleges Organization , and, and by maintaining a collection of grant and fellowship newsletters, books, announcements, brochures, application forms and other related materials for faculty use;

b) notifying individual faculty members and groups of faculty members of grant opportunities which arise in areas of particular interest to them;

c) publicizing grant deadlines in Faculty Notices (sent via e-mail);

d) helping faculty members in the writing of grants applications, particularly by providing information important to determining grant budgets, and

e) working with the Business Office in grant administration and the approval of grant budget changes, to ease the administration burden of grantees.

Approval from various College committees may have to occur prior to submitting an application. Please check the following web pages if they apply to your research project:

Information available at the Dean's Office about grant sources includes the following programs:

Private Funding

Governmental Funding

Grant Newsletters and Guides

  • Annual Register of Grant Support
  • Oryx Directory of Research Grants
  • The Grant Advisor (now on-line)

College Sources of Research Support