Student Accessibility Faculty Role and Responsibilities

Accommodations and Access for Students with Disabilities

ARS has been designated as the campus authority to verify disabilities and to prescribe specific accommodations for students with documented disabilities on behalf of the college, to ensure equal access and opportunity to all campus programs and services. Our compliance with federal and state law is a shared responsibility and faculty play an important role in the campus' effort to provide equal access. Accommodations that require discussion and modification of campus policies, procedures, and practices can involve an interactive process between the student, ARS, and the faculty.

Accommodations Process

  1. Student self-discloses as a student with a disability in need of accommodations.
  2. ARS fulfills its role of interviewing students, reviewing disability documentation, and determining appropriate accommodations.
  3. Student requests use of the needed accommodations for each class, each term. Faculty receive a Faculty Notification of Accommodation.
  4. Student informs faculty and ARS if their condition or circumstances change and/or if a new accommodation is needed.
  5. Student and Faculty arrange a private meeting space for discussions about accommodations as needed. Faculty should not inquire about a student's condition or have discussions in a public space.
  6. Faculty consult with ARS about accommodations and how to address specific barriers, share information about course/program essential skills and requirements in relation to accommodations proposed.
  7. Faculty contacts ARS if an accommodation is unclear or if there are any concerns. Consultation with ARS is vital to resolution.