The Pomona College Paid Parental Leave Time policy provides a maximum of one semester of paid leave time, at net 100% of salary, to faculty experiencing the event of a birth or adoption. This benefit may be used only during an approved FMLA/CFRA. Although approved family leave (after a birth or for adoption) under FMLA/CFRA (12 weeks) is shorter than a semester, an eligible faculty member, as a maximum, may take the entire semester as paid leave under this policy. For a complete description of the FMLA/CFRA policies and eligibility requirements, please see the "Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and California Family Rights Act of 1991" section of the Faculty Handbook.
Faculty on continuing appointment who have been approved for a leave of absence for an approved family leave (FMLA/CFRA) after the birth to care for the newborn child or for the adoption of a child, and who will be the child's primary caregiver during the period of the leave, are eligible for Paid Parental Leave Time at full salary. In the case that both parents are on continuing appointments, each parent faculty member separately is eligible for one semester Paid Parental Leave during an approved FMLA/CFRA leave; however, the Paid Parental Leave Time leave must be taken in sequential semesters. This policy depends on, and assumes, the good faith of participants.
Leave Details
The maximum duration of Paid Parental Leave Time is one semester per event, where multiple births (e.g. twins) and simultaneous adoptions are considered one “event.” The leave period of the leave is the semester of the birth or adoption or the semester immediately following the birth or adoption. Faculty utilizing Paid Parental Leave Time during an approved parental leave are relieved from faculty governance, and other College-related business during the leave period, but will continue with student advising as appropriate. In consultation with the department and/or programs involved, the College will provide appropriate replacement coverage during the leave.
The “tenure clock,” the probationary period during normal progress toward tenure, will stop when a junior faculty member is on parental leave unless otherwise requested by the faculty member. The semester of the leave will not count toward sabbatical leave. Faculty members are encouraged to discuss the timing of future contract renewals and reviews for promotion during one of the meetings described below.
The faculty member receiving parental leave will be expected to return to teach at Pomona College following the leave.
A planning process of at least three meetings prior to the semester during which Paid Parental Leave Time will be used is required. The initial meeting of the faculty member, the Dean of the College, and the Department Chair and/or Program Coordinator outlines the Paid Parental Leave Time Policy and confirms the rights and responsibilities of the involved parties. The second meeting determines the semester during which the leave will be taken and the course of action to be taken during the faculty member's leave to minimize the impact of the leave on students. The plan will include a contingency plan for special circumstances or unexpected timing issues during a birth or adoption (such as mid-semester events). The third meeting finalizes the plans for the leave. As with all leaves, faculty members are encouraged to notify the College in writing as far in advance as possible of their intention to utilize the Paid Parental Leave Time. The details of the leave will be acknowledged in a signed agreement. This provision does not change the notice requirements under the FMLA/CFRA or PDL.