President Starr's Weekly Update (1/26/23)

Dear Pomona College Community,

This first full week of the semester brings the opening of the Oldenborg language tables, the spring launch of Art After Hours at the museum and the first performance on the spring music calendar.

On Thursday, January 26, Pomona will host the 2023 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commemoration featuring Zyahna Bryant.

A wide range of career development events for students is underway, and you’ll also want to mark your calendar for the Chemistry Department’s venerable Robbins Lecture Series starting next month.

Our Global Pomona Project, with the goal that every Pomona student will meaningfully engage with global learning, is accelerating this semester. A forum to get additional input from students is set for 12:15 p.m. on January 31 at Oldenborg Dining Hall. As the leadership group develops its draft recommendations, they are planning for a two-day visit from outside experts February 28 and March 1 – more details to come. I look forward to their report this semester as they consider how we will prepare students to meet the world’s great challenges.

In the employee relations realm, I want to elevate the good news regarding the four-year collective bargain agreement recently ratified by Pomona’s dining and catering teams. This agreement, coming after months of negotiations, delivers strong wage gains and provides the stability of a multiple-year contract – something beneficial for the covered employees, their families and our entire College community.

Finally, let me to offer some Pomona resources you can access anytime: Our official podcast, Sagecast, features actor, writer and director Rose Portillo ’75 in the most recent episode. The new issue of Pomona College Magazine, built around the theme of “choosing the difficult,” is now available online. And as Pomona strives to enroll more community college transfer students, this new web story featuring two recent transfer arrivals to our campus helps bring to life the “why” behind our outreach in this area.


With best wishes,
